3 Quotes & Sayings By Gwynn White

Gwynn White is a published author, professional speaker and the founder of The White Company. He has written 4 books, including "The Little Black Book of Big Ideas" which was selected as a finalist for the Book Sense Book Awards 2013. He holds a master's degree from Liberty University and a master's degree from the University of Phoenix. He is a featured speaker on many podcasts, including SuccessIsNotAnOption , The Gwynn White Show , and Marketing Without Secrets Read more

He is also an award-winning web designer and builder.

The idea of marrying Lukan made her skin crawl. He was a Chenayan. She, a Norin. He was her conqueror. She, his conquered. He had been born and raised to lord over her. She had been born and raised to hate him. They might as well have been different species. Gwynn White
Never before had he seen a woman so angry–or so seductive. It rendered him speechless. He couldn’t fight the compulsion to kiss her. She punched him on the chin, snapping his head back. Gwynn White